Research Interest
e-marketing, colors, consumer behaviour, e-commerce, human machine interaction, ergonomy, usability, emotion, mood, e-learning, knowledge management: on e-commerce websites, wine
Thèmes de recherche
e-marketing, couleurs, interfaces, comportement du consommateur, interaction homme machine, ergonomie, utilisabilité, émotions, humeurs, e-learning, gestion de la connaissance : en ligne
Pelet J.-É., Ettis S., (2022). Social Media Advertising Effectiveness: The Role of Perceived Originality, Liking, Credibility, Irritation, Intrusiveness and Ad Destination, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, volume 18, issue 1, (forthcoming) [FNEGE -, CNRS 4, HCERES C]
Khan J., Pelet J.-É. & Somayeh Z. (2021), Tickle me in WeChat moment: the role of brand love, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 10.1108/JPBM-10-2019-2597, [FNEGE 3, CNRS 4, HCERES C] Pelet, J.-É, Durrieu, F., & Lick, E. (2020). Label design of wines sold online: Effects of perceived authenticity on purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 55, 102087. doi: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2020.102087 [FNEGE 3, CNRS 3, HCERES B] Pelet J.-É., Ettis S., Cowart K. (2017). Optimal Experience of Flow Enhanced by Telepresence: Evidence from Social Media use, Information & Management, 54, 1, 115-128,, [FNEGE 1, CNRS 2, HCERES B] Pelet J.-É., Papadopoulou P. (2014). Consumer Behavior in the Mobile Environment: An Exploratory Study of M-Commerce and Social Media, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, Special Issue on Social Media and Social CRM, 10 (4), 36-48 [FNEGE 4, CNRS 4, HCERES C] Pelet J.-É., Papadopoulou P. (2012). The effect of colors of e-commerce websites on consumer mood, memorization and buying intention, European Journal of Information Systems, Special Issue: "Information Research, Education and Policy in the Mediterranean Region", 21, 438467. doi:10.1057/ejis.2012.17; published online 22 May 2012, [FNEGE 4, CNRS 4, HCERES C] Pelet J.-É. (2010). Effets de la couleur des sites web marchands sur la mémorisation et sur lintention dachat, Systèmes d'Information et Management, 15(1), 97-131. [AERES 2/ CNRS 2],
This thesis aims at studying the impact of the colors of e-commerce websites as an atmospheric variable of the interface, on the viewer’s memorization and intent to buy. Relying on a literature review as well as on investigations provided by an exploratory qualitative analysis, we wish to introduce the theoretical and methodological bases addressing this issue. The interaction of hue and brightness, using chromatic colors for the dominant (background) and dynamics (foreground) ones, supports the memorizing and the intent of purchase when contrast rests on a weak situation of brightness. The emotional state (emotions and mood) shows that a negative mood causes a better memorizing but a decreasing intent of purchase, just as stimulation acts positively on the intent of purchase.
1. On an e-commerce website colors have an impact upon consumers
This research is based on an analysis of the effects of color upon the memorization of business-related information and buying intention.
Though the color variable is a widely researched topic, to this day very few studies focus on this phenomenon within the context of Internet. Yet color is omnipresent on e-commerce websites. Generally speaking it affects consumer behavior in compliance with Mehrabian and Russell’s psycho environmental model [13]. Even within colors themselves [1] and [5] chose hue as the main variable in their experiments and showed that brightness and saturation should be taken into consideration when conducting experiments about color. Unlike most empirical studies dealing with color by comparing warm and cold colors, for instance, we have decided to focus on its hues, brightness and saturation so as to demonstrate that its influence varies according to each one of those components’ intensity.
While several studies about the impact of colors on Internet site readability ([8]; [9]) provide advices about how to choose the most harmonious colors, experts in research in usability such as [15] release managerial recommendations. E-commerce website interfacing seeks to place consumers in a particular context by activating the sensory system (hearing or sight) so as to be able to perceive their emotional, cognitive, psychological, physiological and behavioral responses through their being altered.
La conception de sites Web permet de créer une atmosphère par le biais de l'interface qui favorise une évaluation positive ou négative des produits. L'atmosphère consiste à concevoir de manière consciente l'espace pour créer certains effets vécus par les sens chez le consommateur.
La conception de page Web est notamment vécue par le sens visuel et la couleur constitue l'une des dimensions visuelles des variables atmosphériques.
L’objectif de ma recherche est d’étudier les effets de la couleur des sites marchands en tant que variable atmosphérique de l’interface, sur la mémorisation et l’intention d’achat. En m'appuyant sur une revue de littérature ainsi que sur des investigations issues d’une analyse qualitative exploratoire, j'ai tenté d'introduire les bases théoriques et méthodologiques répondant à cette problématique.
Une expérience en laboratoire menée auprès de 296 participants ayant visité un site marchand dans une des 8 conditions du plan factoriel et répondu aux questions sur la mémorisation et l’intention d’achat ainsi que sur les variables du modèle (implication, expertise, temps d’attente) montre que les effets de la couleur sur la mémorisation et l’intention d’achat existent, médiés par l’affect et modérés par la variable implication.
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